Current works and prompt challenge

Dear Reader, The Family Crypt was published January 2021. Check it out at the following link:

Dear Readers, I didn’t get “The Family Crypt” published as planned in October 2016. Currently, my new plan is to have this novel published before June 2021. Although, I’ve always known how this novel would end – I never could finish because it wouldn’t stop writing its self in my mind or on my laptop. However, my friends and associates believe it’s difficult for me to finish writing and publish, “The Family Crypt” because it’s the last story prompt my son gave me before his death. Maybe…

On November 1-30, I usually begin work on a new novel and attempt to have it published before or by April of the following year. Sometimes, I reach this goal and other times I don’t for numerous reasons ranging from a story refusing to let me end it, or unexpected life issues which takes center stage.

The latter was the case while working on “The Family Crypt” which I begin writing November 1, 2013. Consequently, this novel decided it wasn’t ready to end. So, I dutifully continued to hit the keys on my Laptop and PC hoping I could end it soon. However, my son Keithalon and editorial Lillie suggested I make “The Family Crypt” a sequel, but I refuse to write two or more books under this title.

Keithalon On MotorcycleBack to the subject of unexpected life issues. The Family Crypt Novel took a back seat when my son, Keithalon died on October 17, 2014. Every since Keithalon challenged me to write novels, he has given me a one-sentence prompt to write each book.

On October 16, during our highway drive from Brunswick GA to attend a motorcycle event in Savannah GA I asked,  “Keith what is my prompt for November 1?” Mommy, I promise you’ll have a prompt for a new novel before November 1,” he replied. As a result, while shedding bitter tears, I wrote a memoir about Keithalon and his brother Patrick during the traditional National Novel Writing Month which was published in April 2015.

In September 2015 after foot surgery, my grief for both sons and Cloud, my German Shepherd that died in April 2015 intensified these losses. Again, I begin to work on “The Family Crypt”. At this point, I had to resort to a survival frame-of-mind called, “heal thyself or fall down and die” which has served me well in the mist of unspeakable situations. As a result, I took an 11-day Caribbean Cruise; followed by a 31-day stay in Boquete Panama where I felt the novel was somewhat finished. All I needed to do was type the ending and publish this book prior to May 2016 which didn’t happen. .

Now that I have sold everything I owned that reminded me of my losses and left the State of Maryland. I am sure as I travel from state-to-state in my RV – I will eventually publish “The Family Crypt,” and regularly update my Blog.

Read my Blog, “Journey to a New Life” At:

Journey to A New Life-Day 1

Journey to A New Life-Day 2

Journey to A New Life-Day 3

Journey to A New Life-Day 4

Journey to A New Life-Day 5

Journey to A New Life-Day 6

The Purchase & Fire Baptism into RVing-Day 7

Fire Baptism into RVing-Day-8